Notification of Misprints:

Please note there have been misprints on the following pages of  “How to Live 心の基”

p.11 Subhead in the 6th line from the bottom

(Error) Intangible

(Correct) Tangible

p.30 7th line of the Shinji

(Error) whither

(Correct) wither

p.66 3rd line from the bottom

(Error) become

(Correct) becomes

p.71 1st line

(Error) in in our daily lives

(Correct) in our daily lives

p.86 10th line

(Error) role models in this world on which to base your life on.

(Correct) no role models in this world on which to base your life.

p.110 12th line from the bottom

(Error) self-interest but being, indifferent

(Correct) self-interest, but being indifferent

p.123 3rd line

(Error) January

(Correct) November