Notification of Misprints:

Please note there have been misprints on the following pages of "The Path to Truth, a Journey of Light" 『真実への道 光の足跡』

〇The second line on page71

(Printed)half past midnight

(Correct)slightly past midnight

〇The fifth line from the bottom on page 72

(Printed)and prostate herself.

(Correct)and prostrate herself.

〇The third line from the top on page117

(Printed)as not just the Shisha, but a Shisha

(Correct)as not just a Shisha, but the Shisha

〇The fifth line from the bottom on page117

(Printed)Tomomaruhime Sensei

(Correct)Tomomarusai Sensei

〇The last line on page 166

(Printed)Tomomarusai Sensei
